Friday, May 2, 2008

Gackt = ♥

I really do not know if there is anyone that quite gets me like Gackt. I just feel so much passion off of him when he performs! It's so wonderful when he sings! It's like all the crap just floats away for a while.

He really does have a song for your every mood you know. Happy, sad, lonely, depressed, angry, tired, etc...

Happy: U+K
Sad/Depressed: Secret Garden
Lonely: Road
Angry: Farewell (he doesn't have many angry songs)
Tired: Another World

See! And that's just the beginning.

People are really missing out when the reject him just because of what he's done or how he looks. He has made many mistakes in his life, but who doesn't?! He's a better person now than then and at least realizes it. It's only bad when people make mistakes and never realize. It's also bad when people never grow up/mature.

I really don't know if Gackt is the best person to have as an idol, but I really do look up to him. Call me crazy if you want, but I really don't give a damn. He's the best for me.

I do love Gackt. I don't think I would want him as a boyfriend (lol~ too old anyway), but I do love him. I hope I can meet him one day! That would be so cool! (^_^)

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


Listening to: Gackt - Love Letter

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