I was originally just supposed to wash my hair, but it turned into cutting my hair! Not a small trim, but nearly ALL OF MY HAIR. There's only about 3/4 an inch of it left now. (x_x)
I have really wanted to cut my hair to this length for a long, long time. Today was the breaking point, I suppose. Mother was originally going to thin my hair, but I said, "Can't we just shave my head already?!" When she saw how serious I was, she put the decision into Dad's hands. She said if Dad said "yes" then I could do it.
Dad was kind of weirded out at first, but then he mentioned how I wore it in braids all the time anyway so it didn't really matter if I had much hair. He said I could do it. (^_^) Mom got a hold of the scissors and started chopping my braids off.
We had to keep trimming hair off for quite a while [so the clippers wouldn't choke on my hair], but then we were finally able to use the Wahl clippers with the 3/4 attachment. My parents kept acting surprised at how calm I was, but I wasn't really worried. I kept thinking of Gackt's lyrics in Kimi Ga Oikaketa Yume that says, "If it's a dream that you chased, don't be afraid of getting hurt." It was a dream, so I wasn't afraid. My parents were way more anxious than I was and seemed to want me to join in with them. I refused. XD What amazes me is how much value people put on dead keratin. It's gonna grow back. *shrug*
When I washed it in the shower, man~~~ That was almost as fun as watching Saga lick his bass. Maybe more. XD It took me FIVE MINUTES to wash my hair! *dies* It usually takes fifteen minutes!!! Just think how much water and shampoo I'll save. Yeah~ I cut my hair to "go green". *laughs at thought* Just imagine if everyone did this though. The country would save billions of dollars.
My hair turned out really good though (to me) and I LOVE LOVE LOVE it! I still have the mannerisms of a person used to long hair (e.g. braid flipping), but I guess that will go away soon. My head feels so darn... light! LOL~ I'm lightheaded. ROTFLOL.
I would post a picture for you, but it goes against my personal rules. Gomenasai. XD Just know that I ♥love♥ it and both my parents said it looks good. XD
I have to take pictures really soon and send it to my friends. They're going to freak. out. *imagines reaction* LOL~
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