Friday, May 23, 2008

Hiroto's In My Room!

Psyche! I just updated my bulletin board with Hiroto pictures. ROTFLOL. XD

The sticky notes say:

"Are you ready to change yourself? Are you flying like you want to? TSUBASA - A9"
"If it's a dream that you chased, don't be afraid of getting hurt. -GACKT"
"Even though I don't know exactly where this is going to take me, something somewhere in my heart is whispering that I'm doing the right things. -HIROTO

Then, there's a little striped sticky note with my name in Katakana on it (ゾエ). I also taped some stuff from a stationary set I had onto the board for decoration.

I also have something on the back of my door:

The note here says:

"Don't be afraid, do your best, and start to experience. ~HIROTO~"

All of this is so that I can get motivation before I leave my bedroom in the morning. I'm really pleased with the arrangement.

I also have pictures of Gackt, Wonbin, and Hiroto's guitars taped to the side of my bookshelf. I'm turning into a major fangirl. XD I would have taken pictures of these, except I got tired! (u_u)


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