Thursday, May 8, 2008

You Wouldn't Understand!

Well, I just got into an argument with Mom. How much WORSE could this week possibly get?!

Let me show you the video first:

Firstly, nearly all of my hopes and dreams are set in Asia. I typically avoid videos like this because I don't want to hear about how "impossible" it will be for me to succeed there. Mom doesn't know this though and sent it to me. I was stand-offish when I saw the title of the video, so I took whatever the girl said to be negative. Generally, I wasn't thinking clearly and misheard everything. So I started asking Mom to clarify what the girl said and she asked me why I was freaking out (I was freaking out). I started telling her about how I don't like to hear this stuff, blah blah. Mom didn't get what I was saying though and "freaked out" herself. "I'm just starting to wish I never sent the damn thing!" and "So I have to watch what I say to my daughter in my own house?" I think Dad got it more than Mom because he said, "She [meaning me] is afraid that if she hears this kind of stuff she will stop being interested in it [meaning Asia]."

I was all hot and irritated anyway, PLUS I'd had an already difficult week and didn't want to hear this right now! Mom got quite upset with me, I still can't figure out why.

In addition, I had picked up my computer and was taking it to my room when I ran right into a door! There is a closet right outside my room and the door to it was open! I hit my head on the edge of it and it's a wonder my head didn't swell up. "WHO LEFT THIS DOOR OPEN?!" I said. Dad came over and he says, "It was probably me, I went in here to get a lightbulb. Sorry." I was all shaken up because I could have broken my glasses. I told Dad it wasn't his fault though, which it wasn't. That door doesn't latch right and always opens on it's own. After I tried to calm down a bit, I went to apologize to Mom. She still didn't seem to get it though, but I felt I should apologize.

I took a bath after that and got even more depressed while in the shower. When I got out, I decided to watch Gackt. I watched from Storm to Love Letter and actually cried during Road. I need to let my emotions out, I guess. But, I felt better after that.

Gackt = Anti-Depressant


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