Monday, May 26, 2008
Decision (Temporarily)
I'll be back with URLs and stuff later, right now I'm adding wallpapers to my old page.
I want to get another Wordpress blog and see, but it says I already registered with my email. I changed it hours ago, so just CHANGE already!
I consider these my options: Vox, Blogger, or Wordpress.
There's also Multiply, but I don't know...
Sunday, May 25, 2008
My Biggest Haircut Ever!
I was originally just supposed to wash my hair, but it turned into cutting my hair! Not a small trim, but nearly ALL OF MY HAIR. There's only about 3/4 an inch of it left now. (x_x)
I have really wanted to cut my hair to this length for a long, long time. Today was the breaking point, I suppose. Mother was originally going to thin my hair, but I said, "Can't we just shave my head already?!" When she saw how serious I was, she put the decision into Dad's hands. She said if Dad said "yes" then I could do it.
Dad was kind of weirded out at first, but then he mentioned how I wore it in braids all the time anyway so it didn't really matter if I had much hair. He said I could do it. (^_^) Mom got a hold of the scissors and started chopping my braids off.
We had to keep trimming hair off for quite a while [so the clippers wouldn't choke on my hair], but then we were finally able to use the Wahl clippers with the 3/4 attachment. My parents kept acting surprised at how calm I was, but I wasn't really worried. I kept thinking of Gackt's lyrics in Kimi Ga Oikaketa Yume that says, "If it's a dream that you chased, don't be afraid of getting hurt." It was a dream, so I wasn't afraid. My parents were way more anxious than I was and seemed to want me to join in with them. I refused. XD What amazes me is how much value people put on dead keratin. It's gonna grow back. *shrug*
When I washed it in the shower, man~~~ That was almost as fun as watching Saga lick his bass. Maybe more. XD It took me FIVE MINUTES to wash my hair! *dies* It usually takes fifteen minutes!!! Just think how much water and shampoo I'll save. Yeah~ I cut my hair to "go green". *laughs at thought* Just imagine if everyone did this though. The country would save billions of dollars.
My hair turned out really good though (to me) and I LOVE LOVE LOVE it! I still have the mannerisms of a person used to long hair (e.g. braid flipping), but I guess that will go away soon. My head feels so darn... light! LOL~ I'm lightheaded. ROTFLOL.
I would post a picture for you, but it goes against my personal rules. Gomenasai. XD Just know that I ♥love♥ it and both my parents said it looks good. XD
I have to take pictures really soon and send it to my friends. They're going to freak. out. *imagines reaction* LOL~
Saturday, May 24, 2008
New Wallpaper: イレイザー + 虹彩 = 光
Credits: ZB24, rainbowbetty@LJ, Akatsuki Translations, alice nine.
In addition to posting the wallpaper, I would like to give you an explanation of the meaning it has [to me].
In making this, I used elements from two of alice nine's songs: Eraser and Kousai (Iris of the Eye). The music video for Eraser is very white and pure. The clothes in this picture are the same ones used in the music video. I was originally going to use lyrics from Eraser, but I didn't feel that they would fit here. I used the lyrics from Kousai because they quickly covey emotion of a powerful love. I think Kousai is a song that can be used in place of Eraser in the music video. Both songs have a similar feeling of serenity and hope [to me].
The original picture was quite harsh, but by adding a glow effect it came out somewhat angelic and soft, which is what I was looking for. The text and dividing bar are not jet black, but more of a grey which is lass harsh.
The effect I am going for is peaceful, beautiful, "glowing white light".
Hence the wallpaper title: イレイザー + 虹彩 = 光 > Eraser + Kousai = Hikari > Eraser + Iris of the Eye = Light.
I hope this small little wallpaper can convey that much. The feeling of light. It might seem stupid or overzealous to put all of this meaning into a wallpaper, but it's what I felt like doing.~ZB24~
Maya (Left) and Aiji (Right)
I have another band to share with you tonight: LM.C. LM.C is a Visual Kei duo with members Maya and Aiji. Maya was a support guitarist for Miyavi and Aiji was a guitarist for Pierrot. LM.C debuted in 2006 and has released one album and eight singles.
I quite like LM.C's musical style. Every song is a little bit different from the next. Their songs have a generally upbeat feel with some reminiscent of punk and hip-hop. It's definitely a unique group I would look into.
Two of their music videos are below. Enjoy!
I'm Learning How To Drive!
My first "lesson" was actually quite pleasant. I kind of had fun too! There's a lot of things I have to remember, but I shouldn't be too hard. You might be interested to know that I had no problem remembering to engage the clutch before pressing on the break. (^_^) I had more of a problem with "leveling out" the clutch and gas pedals. Which is more important; getting the car moving, or stopping it? XD
PS> Before I left the house to "practice", I kept on thinking on the quotes on my board from Hiroto and Gackt. It helped me to stay calm about the situation. Another big thanks goes to Hiroto-san and Gackt-san today. *bow* Arigato-gozaimasu!
Friday, May 23, 2008
My Humble Little iPod
This is my humble little iPod. It's the 5th? generation iPod video and has 30GB of storage (which is almost full!).
Front of My iPod
{Maybe I should have wiped it off before taking pictures. Oops...}
Back of My iPod
It feels like I've had it for a really long time! Haha~ Any longer and it will become vintage. ROTFLMAO. XD
I also have a 512MB 1st generation iPod Shuffle, but forgot to take pictures of it. (x_x)
Listening to: Gackt - Farewell
My Rings
Therefore, I only wear gemstone rings because they don't make me itch. {Gold doesn't really bother me, but I don't like to wear gold everyday. It makes me feel uncomfortable.}
I recently bought two new rings; one in Onyx and one Moonstone. {The Moonstone I have is synthetic.}
From left to right: Moonstone, Onyx, and Hematite.
The Hematite one I have had for three years. I got it in a Colorado souvenir store while on vacation. LOL~
For those of you who want to see what a real Gackt CD looks like, now is your chance. I've taken pictures of my copy and uploaded them onto Flickr. You can view the pictures here: click. Sorry that there aren't more pictures, I'm not very good with my camera. (v_v)
There are English lyrics for some of the songs, which I got pictures of. I tried to get them as clear as possible so you can read them.
Hiroto's In My Room!
The sticky notes say:
"Are you ready to change yourself? Are you flying like you want to? TSUBASA - A9"
"If it's a dream that you chased, don't be afraid of getting hurt. -GACKT"
"Even though I don't know exactly where this is going to take me, something somewhere in my heart is whispering that I'm doing the right things. -HIROTO
Then, there's a little striped sticky note with my name in Katakana on it (ゾエ). I also taped some stuff from a stationary set I had onto the board for decoration.
I also have something on the back of my door:
The note here says:
"Don't be afraid, do your best, and start to experience. ~HIROTO~"
All of this is so that I can get motivation before I leave my bedroom in the morning. I'm really pleased with the arrangement.
I also have pictures of Gackt, Wonbin, and Hiroto's guitars taped to the side of my bookshelf. I'm turning into a major fangirl. XD I would have taken pictures of these, except I got tired! (u_u)
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Miyavi's Guitars
This page is also from Glare Vol.3, but show the details on Miyavi's guitars. Scan credits go to: reita_lover @ LJ.
It looks like he has some special attachment on the "Killer Custom". I keep thinking it's like the electrical pickup on an electric guitar, but I don't know. If anyone knows exactly what that thing is and what it does, please let me know!
Miyavi is really cool. REALLY cool. XD
What a good guess! I learn more about guitars every day thanks to J-rockers. It IS a pickup as I said. On the scan, it say L.R. Baggs in the caption so I Googled the name. L.R. Baggs seems to specialize in these "attachable pickups". Here's their website if you want to look: click. Neat huh?
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Hiroto's Guitars
SM has developed a new boy band named SHINee (pronounced "shiny").
Their first "mini-album" is supposed to come out on May 22nd and is entitled "누난 너무 예뻐".
I'm actually quite looking forward to hearing their music. It's got a nice pop feel to it, the kind of music you can chill out to.
You can find all the information you want in their Soompi thread: click
There is also a LJ community: click
Here's the music video preview for "누난 너무 예뻐 (Replay)":
FT Island - Soyogi
FT Island has released a music video for their new song Soyogi. Soyogi is a Japanese language song.
I'm really proud of them! Their Japanese is pretty good (meaning I could recognize some words), the song has a smooth feel, the music video is classy. It's just GOOD and it's exactly what they need after the Malaysia incident. If anything can pull them back from that, it's quality material like this. I just hope their new album is this good.
Good luck boys! Gambatte~
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Thoughts Inspired by Hiroto
I am supposed to be going to bed right now, but I wanted to write about Hiroto-san again.
I was reading more of his old posts and found this one: click
It made me think: People who inspire other people the most; do they realize what an impact they have?
I think it's impossible for him to know that there's little old me over here, clinging onto his every word, and finding extreme inspiration in them. But, he does seem to believe that our energy can reach him, so maybe he somehow does.
He doesn't need to worry about people finding inspiration in him and A9. I know for a fact it's true.
Even if A9 is just a passing phase in my musical lifetime, it's okay. Because I've loved every phase, I'll love this one as well. The things I've learned from the people I respect, I can't forget.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Tokio Hotel
I randomly decided to look up Tokio Hotel tonight. They're a German rock band. After I heard Spring Nicht, I decided to learn a bit more about them.
I was drawn in at first by their appearance, which reminds me of Visual Kei. Their music is actually pretty good though. I wouldn't be surprised if I become a fan sometime in the near future.
Another song I like of their's is Sacred.
Let's Amp Up!
Alright. I'm getting ready to start my day. Wish me luck!
I'll try my best.
--8:38 PM--
Ah~ I did try, quite a bit actually. This entire week will be off a bit though, so either way I couldn't have gotten much done today. I did the best with what I had. I'm tired now though! LOL~
I'll have to think of Hiroto again tomorrow morning. XD
Oh yeah~~~ I was going to print off two pictures of him to hang in my room, but the printer's USB cable was bent! As in, broken so I couldn't plug it in. I didn't tell Mom because how would I explain why I was near the printer anyway? But, just a while ago, she needed to print something and found it anyway. Dad bent it back into place so it should be working now. If everyone is asleep by the time I get out of the shower, I'll try and print the pictures again. There's so much to do tonight though because we have to go to the dentist and the store tomorrow. *sigh* I'm not looking forward to tomorrow. WAH~! I want to stay home! *kick*
Also, I'm hot! Why is it so hot all of a sudden! Don't we get "spring" anymore. *strangle*
Listening to: Tokio Hotel - Sacred
Some Thoughts
I spent a large chunk of time today reading Hiroto's blog entries. They're very fun to read though. He phrases things very beautifully and is funny sometimes too. He actually has this one post about his wisdom teeth called "The Young Boy Hiroto and Mr. Wisdom Tooth" or something like that. It was very strange, but I think I got what he meant. And it was funny to boot. I'll have to have mine taken out, so it was funny. I hope he's not in too much pain after the procedure... *worry* I hear it hurts a lot. I hope mine doesn't hurt either, for that matter. But he's 23 and just had to think about it, so I shouldn't worry about something so far away right?
Somehow, after reading all of his posts I am writing differently than usual. I feel there's better phrasing here. That's good though!
Honestly, I have to say that Hiroto has inspired me quite a bit. It's basically because of him that I worked on homework last weekend at free will. And it's also because of him that I set a date for Dad to teach me how to drive. And it's also because of him that I managed to stay calm when I went over to the neighbor's house to buy eggs.
Anyone who knows me well knows that I seem to have a kind of fear of talking to anyone I don't know well. I don't like to go places by myself. One girl on YouTube described it as "social anxiety", but I don't think it's that bad. But somehow, after reading all the things that Hiroto has written, it makes me feel like I can overcome this strange mental trait. I feel as if he might be able to understand it too, or at least empathize.
Gackt has also inspired me a lot, prior to "meeting" alice nine. I feel as if I can relate to Hiroto more (probably because he's younger), but Gackt can still improve my mood like -that- *snaps fingers*. {My top two current men right now: Hiroto and Gackt.}
It's a strange feeling...
But, Hiroto is a very cool guy. He is always talking about how our [meaning the fan's] enthusiasm can transfer over space and get him energized. That's pretty cool~ I believe him when he says it.
He's also a great guitar player, in my opinion. Although, I don't know if I'm qualified to say such a thing. My opinion could be biased and misinformed. I never used to pay attention to the instruments of a band until this year, so I'm no expert. It's because of Hiroto that I know what a wah-wah pedal is, by the way. And I suddenly have this obsession with guitars. (x_x) I do find guitars very fascinating nowadays. I didn't even notice them before.
I should be getting in bed soon... *sigh*
I guess I'll end this. I just wanted to talk a bit about my new inspiration. I like him a lot, I must say.
Sorry Wonbin. Mianhae. Let me go to someone else now. *hug* Bye-bye.
So I'm mentally single now and my prospect is Hiroto. But! I must restrain myself and make no brash decisions. It's a top priority. (I don't date in real life, obviously.)
Maybe in the morning I will think of Hiroto and feel like getting up. My life is admittedly uneventful, but I like it that way most days. Although, because of Hiroto, can't I do my best in this calm life I lead? So tomorrow, is the adventure of doing the best in school! Whatever it may be, let's do it well okay? and I will try hard at this tomorrow while thinking of Hiroto-san (yes, "san". Becuase it is an expression of respect).
Everyone needs a motivation in life, and it's not always from oneself. My Mother told me that she was motivated in college because she wanted to be a good example for me. Therefore, I'll work hard in school tomorrow so I can be smart like Hiroto-san.
Listening to: Ayumi Hamasaki - Fated
Sunday, May 18, 2008
ZB24 on Vox
I always thought that Vox was very well organized (I've used the site before). I like the fact that there's a bit of a "community" here (like a cross between Facebook and LiveJournal) and I also apperciate the privacy features.
FYI, I plan to double-post here and at my Blogger blog until I decided that I really want to stay here at Vox. I haven't really decided yet.
I spent nearly all day transferring the old(er) posts from the Blogger blogs to Vox, so I haven't had a lot of time to just enjoy the website. I hope to get to that now. LOL~
So far, I have two complaints about Vox:
1. When importing posts from other blogs to Vox, it doesn't take videos. I had to put them in my posts again manually.
2. The labels page doesn't seem to be updating very quickly. I have tags with nothing in them, but they still haven't "gone away".
But that's all. So far. Haha~
I hope to have a lot of fun here and maybe get a few friendly comments. Be nice! XD
{Here is my Vox site:}
Friday, May 16, 2008
To Do List For Tonight
- Subtitle Mirror Ball.
So far, I seem to have half of the Mirror Ball video done and I haven't started on Hiroto's wallpapers yet. (T_T) I've got some really good pictures of Hiroto though!
I took some time a minute ago to practice my singing. I guess I want to be a renaissance woman: good and everything. ROTFLOL.
Maybe I'll come back with some updates and let you know how it's going. (^_^)
--12:25 AM--
-I finished two of Hiroto's wallpapers (The "White Rose" ones) and decided not to do the GuruGuru because the picture is pretty low quality. Now I want to make a B-Set. ROTFLOL.
-I have made no more progress on my video. I will have to finish it tomorrow or Sunday.
-I watched a few videos and backlog posted here.
--1:05 AM--
-Finished wallies! They turned out great.
Listening to: The GazettE - 紅蓮 (Guren)
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Olivia - Wish
I have to admit, as cool as it is, it's a little odd watching a white girl sing in Japanese. I mean, it's a good thing! Because when you're listening, you think it's a Japanese singer. I guess it's because her pronunciation is really good?
Anyway, props! Go Olivia!
n0iZ stAr
Anyway, here is the pv for Vi-Vi-Vi. I haven't been able to listen to the whole album YET (thanks Mom! *sarcasm*), but I think this is one of the better tracks. It has a really great feel like Love Scream Party, but with a different sound.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Episode 3 of Absolute Boyfriend
Here is the part that contains the good part XD:
I guess it's a little bit over-scripted, but I still think it's good.
This show airs every Tuesday in Japan, so I will now be tortured while waiting for the next subbed episode to be uploaded. That's why I don't watch new dramas.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Sharing Musical Tastes With Dad
Ayumi Hamasaki has a short movie out called Distance Love (Kyo Ai). I watched it on Crunchyroll and thought it was pretty good. It basically consists of two music videos with some scenes in between.
Here is the second "music video"/ending scene:
It's basically the usual forbidden love theme. I think the guy is Chinese though, so that introduces a racial barrier, etc... The same thing I've been picturing with Hiroto for the last week. (x_x)
Then there is Girugamesh. They have some GREAT songs, I think. Dad didn't hear anything special though. What's interesting about Girugamesh is that they only have one guitarist. LOL~ So that means there's only four members (there's usually five: vocals, drums, bass, and two guitars).
Here's their music video for Owari to Mirai:
Other songs of theirs I like are: Domino and Shining
Monday, May 12, 2008
Absolute Boyfriend
Here's the first episode:
I don't know if I want her to pick the robot or the vice president. LOL~ But come on, she paid a million dollars for that thing, you better end up with the robot.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
We All Love Hiroto
This one obvious struck a chord within me:
[From: Wei-san]
I'm a student preparing for my final exams but I often don't feel like studying.... When Hiroto-san was preparing for his exams, how did he study? Or what sort of thoughts did he have on the day of the exam?
Hiroto's Answer: I studied for my exams, and since it's for the sake of my own improvement, I don't think it's difficult to do that every day!
[From: NoriPON-san]
What were your favorite and least favorite subjects in school? By the way I hate everything except music and P.E. (´∀`) (laugh)
Hiroto's Answer: I studied for my own sake, so I liked anything!!
I kept thinking of this today as I was working on homework. And I had Hiroto on my wallpaper, staring back at me. Gah~ So I kept working on homework. For whatever reason, it made me decide to do homework today.
I read this just now:
[From: Chii-san]
Hiropon, who is the artist you've been into recently? Tell me~ (>_<)
Hiroto's Answer:
The band from the UK called Bloc Party is cool!!
Now, this is just too much. You do realize that Bloc Party has a [dark] black vocalist right? *dies* This makes me so happy~~~ After this whole fiasco, yes. It enthralls me. Hiroto! Don't make me fall for you okay?!
PS> Here's a Bloc Party video, by the way: {There's also a drummer of "English/Chinese decent".}
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Malice Mizer Scares TV Host
Look at the guy's face! ROTFLOL. He looks traumatized. (^o^)
Friday, May 9, 2008
A9 Interviews
You can find two of their Shoxx interviews here. In one of them, they were talking about their Alpha album. Seeing all this work they put into it is really... astonishing. My brain is about to explode with all of the respect for A9 right now.
Hiroto is just a ball of engergetic, honest, cuteness. His response to his part of this interview almost made me cry for some reason! Here's what it said:
Q: I think so too. You change through your experiences, so you have many unknown parts yet. From now on, your way of thinking seems to change after you have various experiences. Is there any advice from ‘the present Hiroto’ to others?
A: I feel like I’m in my 2nd stage of life now. I think you are in your 1st stage. Me in the 2nd stage can’t see me in the 3rd stage yet, and I can’t imagine which experiences will make me feel what. So I think you in the 1st stage can’t understand completely about what adults say even more than me. If you escape from this, you can’t grow up, nor understand them, so first of all, you should experience anything and everything, I think. So don’t be afraid, do your best, and start to experience! And have the courage to face your weaknesses first, so you’ll get real strength.
I was reading it~ and listing to "Armor Ring"~ and it was all too much to handle! (T_T) It kind of got me because I'm... "shy" or "afraid to get out there" what have you. It really felt like he understood this feeling. For the record, Hiroto is my second favorite now. Because not many situations/people can make me cry.
I sound like a dork. (x_x)
Thursday, May 8, 2008
You Wouldn't Understand!
Let me show you the video first:
Firstly, nearly all of my hopes and dreams are set in Asia. I typically avoid videos like this because I don't want to hear about how "impossible" it will be for me to succeed there. Mom doesn't know this though and sent it to me. I was stand-offish when I saw the title of the video, so I took whatever the girl said to be negative. Generally, I wasn't thinking clearly and misheard everything. So I started asking Mom to clarify what the girl said and she asked me why I was freaking out (I was freaking out). I started telling her about how I don't like to hear this stuff, blah blah. Mom didn't get what I was saying though and "freaked out" herself. "I'm just starting to wish I never sent the damn thing!" and "So I have to watch what I say to my daughter in my own house?" I think Dad got it more than Mom because he said, "She [meaning me] is afraid that if she hears this kind of stuff she will stop being interested in it [meaning Asia]."
I was all hot and irritated anyway, PLUS I'd had an already difficult week and didn't want to hear this right now! Mom got quite upset with me, I still can't figure out why.
In addition, I had picked up my computer and was taking it to my room when I ran right into a door! There is a closet right outside my room and the door to it was open! I hit my head on the edge of it and it's a wonder my head didn't swell up. "WHO LEFT THIS DOOR OPEN?!" I said. Dad came over and he says, "It was probably me, I went in here to get a lightbulb. Sorry." I was all shaken up because I could have broken my glasses. I told Dad it wasn't his fault though, which it wasn't. That door doesn't latch right and always opens on it's own. After I tried to calm down a bit, I went to apologize to Mom. She still didn't seem to get it though, but I felt I should apologize.
I took a bath after that and got even more depressed while in the shower. When I got out, I decided to watch Gackt. I watched from Storm to Love Letter and actually cried during Road. I need to let my emotions out, I guess. But, I felt better after that.
Gackt = Anti-Depressant
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
ANOTHER Unproductive Day
I had plans to start out my day with Math after breakfast, so that's what I started working on. After about an hour, just as I was getting into a flow, Mom wanted to do a spelling test and then Spanish. By the time we finished that, it was 12PM so I went to eat lunch. Then I had to carry plants up from the basement after lunch (this is so mom can put them on the porch to "harden them off").
I tried to work on Math again once we finished that, but then she wanted to do test prep. I'm like, "Can we do it tomorrow?" and she's like, "No. Because tomorrow it will just be some other excuse." EXCUSE?! AS IF TRYING TO GET MY MATH DONE IS AN EXCUSE! Anyway, so that's what we did; test prep. Then, she can't remember where we left off in the book and sends me off to look for written work from the math section. I told her I didn't have one from this chapter, but she insisted I look anyway. I went through every folder and didn't find anything. It started to annoy me because in the time that it took to look for this paper, we could have already finished a chapter (not really, but you know what I mean). So I said this to her and she acted like >I< was the one getting and attitude. I wasn't okay? I just wanted to get some school done, which she seemed to have been against all day. It was irritating the hell out of me!
We finished the chapter (which took an hour) and then I worked on that hellish Math until 4PM when Oprah came on.
It was not a vew productive day for me, but I guess Mom felt accomplished. (<_<)
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Tech Support Isn't All Bad
The guy on the phone actually knew what he was doing and was able to fix the problem. He downloaded two things from the Norton site via the remote access client:
- Something to remove the old version of Norton.
- The 2008 version of Norton Internet Security.
I am really glad it's fixed and I take back what I said about Norton before. They're not all bad. BUT, whatever you do, DO NOT use their chat thing. I don't take that back. LOL~
Listening to: alice nine. - Number Six.
Saga Joke
Ren + Nana
I will add more as I find/watch them.
Here is the part with the cake:
Monday, May 5, 2008
I had to download a piece of software because I could even USE the chat. THEN, when I finally got it, the guy made me log into a remote acess client, BUT NEVER DID ANYTHING! It was a total waste of time, and I'm about ready to just get a different piece of software.
*shakes head* What is the world coming to? I should have just used the damn phone. *kick*
What a GREAT way to start the week! *sarcasm*
PS> BTW, it was a subscription issue, the same kind that my Mom has had before. It says it's expired and needs to be renewed when EVERYONE (even Norton's site!) knows that it's not. (x_x)
Sunday, May 4, 2008
I thought this was a really good video. You can see all my comments on it right? (^_^)
Jaejoong: Lost in a Maze
When I downloaded Jaejoong's single from the Trick series, I was surprised that his solo song was a rock song! It's kind of hard too! Not very fluffy at all. I hope DBSK makes more songs like this. LOL~ (^_^)
Here is Jae singing it live:
Normal link here.
DBSK always sings good live, but Jae did great on this song. I expected his voice to crack or for him to go all soft on me, but he did great. I have a whole new respect for Jae now.
I wanted to look at TVfXQ Forever, but they're forum is missing! They always had the best info too~ I hope it comes back soon so I can see what DBSK has been up to!
BTW, doesn't this song seem like something that belongs in NANA. Or as the ending/beginning theme for an anime.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Le Mizerable~
Which Gackt song are you?
You are Mizerable!
You are Gackt's first song as a solo artist. You are a little sad, but you are my favorite.
Take this quiz!
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Oddly enough, Mizerable is the song which really made me interested in Gackt. Strange, the things one can remember.
PS> Here's some more:
What Type of Gackt Fan Are You?
Dears-You love Gackt and probubly always will. When it comes to this dream boy you're totally devoted.
Take this quiz!
Quizilla |
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what gackt thinks of you
gackt would really have the hots for you, but probably wouldn't admit it.
Take this quiz!
Quizilla |
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^Good to know.^
Listening to: An Cafe - Bonds ~ Kizuna~ (Magnya Carta Mix)
I'll Stand With the Emo Kids.
I think it's all really terrible. If Shou and/or Miyavi were walking though the street they would be risking their lives. For real~ It's scary! NOT the emos, the people who hate them. I don't see emos as people who are going to go out killing other people. They're more of the "sit at home, wallow in depression" type, I think. I don't know why people hate them so much and want to kill them! It's really terrible.
These "haters" are all pissed off because emos are "depressing". Well, telling them to "go fuck off and fucking die" isn't helping! In fact, you're probably exacerbating the problem! These "emos" act this way because they are outcasts of society who people hate. They feel like no one understands them. They may not feel the need to do this anymore if people were actually nice to them. {They could just change how they dress, sure, but they shouldn't have to!!!}
When push comes to shove, I think I'll stand with the emos before I stand with the haters. Emo is like the new "Negro before the Civil War". It's really a form of racism.
People keep saying this problem can be fixed by "killing every emo in the world" or "complaining about it 'till they fucking go away", but I don't think that's true. I think it will only go away (or die down) when people accept them for who/what they are and be friendly to them. It seems like all emos want are some friends, attention, and acceptance. There's nothing to be afraid of here.
The local media is not helping either. In all the news clips I've seen, they keep using emo parody type stuff. I mean, if you're doing a news report, you have to use clips of actual emo people!!! You can't use clips from haters! That's just screwed up. (<_<)>Everyone knows that the media is used to instill fear in people and that's what they're doing (although they say not to be afraid). By showing these clips, they are condoning the behavior of the haters and possibly making it worse.
This is my opinion. I don't personally know any emo people. I just got upset because they remind me of Visual Kei artists [that I love], which made be very upset. I keep thinking that if [VK artists] came here that they would be treated terribly like this. Many people do hate VK, but I don't think it's this bad. *shakes head*
Here's a news clip:
and one angry rant:
^This about sums up how many of the haters think.^
All the energy that people are putting into worrying about emo kids, they could be protesting war or some other important cause.
Friday, May 2, 2008
I Owe Gratitude {NANA}
Gackt Loves His Dears
Gackt = ♥
He really does have a song for your every mood you know. Happy, sad, lonely, depressed, angry, tired, etc...
Happy: U+K
Sad/Depressed: Secret Garden
Lonely: Road
Angry: Farewell (he doesn't have many angry songs)
Tired: Another World
See! And that's just the beginning.
People are really missing out when the reject him just because of what he's done or how he looks. He has made many mistakes in his life, but who doesn't?! He's a better person now than then and at least realizes it. It's only bad when people make mistakes and never realize. It's also bad when people never grow up/mature.
I really don't know if Gackt is the best person to have as an idol, but I really do look up to him. Call me crazy if you want, but I really don't give a damn. He's the best for me.
I do love Gackt. I don't think I would want him as a boyfriend (lol~ too old anyway), but I do love him. I hope I can meet him one day! That would be so cool! (^_^)
GAKUTO! DAISUKI!!! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Listening to: Gackt - Love Letter
It's Destiny!
You Should Learn Japanese |
You're cutting edge, and you are ready to delve into wacky Japanese culture. From Engrish to eating contests, you're born to be a crazy gaijin. Saiko! |
I am so excited because I always wanted to learn Japanese, but gave up because I thought it would be too hard. But now, I am interested in Japan again and I want to learn Japanese again! Then, this quiz said I should learn it! It already reinforces what I already know. It might be fake, but whatever. I find it fun. (^_^)
Thursday, May 1, 2008
G3 Parody
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
I don't know if I an quite look at abortion the same way now. Which, I suppose, is a good thing.
I came across the MV for Dir En Grey's Mazohyst of Decadence. It's a 9 minute long MV that I'm glad I didn't watch before bed. It's really intense. Really gruesome.
But, because they were doing it to get a point across, I can understand. The video is below, but I wouldn't suggest watching it if you're already depressed or about to go to bed.
For not clouding reality and telling the honest truth, I have to respect Dir En Grey a bit more. Songs like The Agitated Screams of Maggots and Tsumi to Batsu will keep me from ever liking them too much though. What kind of things float around in Kyo's head, I would rather not know.
But this video... I know why they did it. And because of that, they do deserve a little bit of respect. I just hope they don't do what those songs talk about, if you know what I mean. If they did, that would warrant extreme hate, imprisonment, and punishment.
I need to pull myself out of this state with something cheerful now. (*_*)
Listening to: alice nine. - -Dice-
Surplus Cognitive Thought
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
The Phantom of Guilt
I'm here waiting for you!
With animes, it's easier to pretend you're the characters. Like, as I'm watching, I'll pretend the guitarist is Wonbin or Tora or Hiroto and I'll be Nana (black hair). It's so fun! It's harder with real actors for some reason. (^_^)
In the NANA movie, they should have playing A Little Bit of Pain instead of the other song they played. This one seems to really fit because you can hear the "I'm here waiting for you" part and it really fits with the storyline.
I put this song in my romantic "fighting for love" playlist. Me + Shou this edition. I guess I'm taking a break from Wonbin. LOL~ I still love that boy though. *sigh*
Here's the really romantic scene from episode 18 where Ren and Nana meet again.
Anime kisses are awkward! LOL~
Listening to: The GazettE - Cassis
Monday, April 28, 2008
Lick it real good~
I would have marked this as a favorite except Mom would find it. LOL~
That's so... hot. *dies*
Here's a couple more:
^That one's a favorite!^
^If you listen, it seems like Shou got a little excited himself! XD The lick itself just seems a little odd. Like he started too high.^
Anyways, had to share! (^_^)
Listening to: Olivia - A Little Pain
The Crying Tiger
I found the clip of Tora crying~~~ This man keeps trying to snatch my heart!
Everyone says he was crying because his parents didn't support him when first joined bands. But, they showed up at this live and he got all emotional because his parents finally accepted him. This is what I've heard. So sweet~ DON'T CRY~~~ TORA! (T_T)
NANA & ~BondS~
Here is NANA:
An Cafe made a movie call Kizuna ~BondS~ which was sort of a parody of NANA. Since I'd just seen the original NANA, An Cafe's parody was pretty much hilarious.
Here is ~BondS~:
Listening to: SuG - Alterna.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
New Blog
The old blog is here if you want to read:
We're just gonna pick up where we left off and act like nothing happened okay? Luckily this is a personal blog so I don't have to deal with migration notices or anything. *phew*
Listening to: Gackt - Mind Forest