Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Tech Support Isn't All Bad

Mom insisted that we call Norton and get the issue fixed. She said this before I finished eating breakfast, which pissed me off, but I guess it worked out.

The guy on the phone actually knew what he was doing and was able to fix the problem. He downloaded two things from the Norton site via the remote access client:

  1. Something to remove the old version of Norton.
  2. The 2008 version of Norton Internet Security.
Once the new one was installed, he keyed in the code from the old one (product key I think?) and it fetched our 200-something remaining days!

I am really glad it's fixed and I take back what I said about Norton before. They're not all bad. BUT, whatever you do, DO NOT use their chat thing. I don't take that back. LOL~


Listening to: alice nine. - Number Six.

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